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The cinderella solution diet reviews
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The cinderella solution diet reviews
The Cinderella Solution System Reviews and opinion
Disclosure: This is a professional review blog which gets compensated for the products reviewed by the companies who produce them.
Cinderella Soutionis a product that aims to provide the ultimate solution to combating the major decrease in metabolism that occurs in women after reaching 35 years old. I WOULD SAY THAT THE “SWEET SPOT” IS FOR WOMEN BETWEEN 40 AND 60. The official site state this:
The cinderella solution diet reviews : Recent cientific studies have shown that women go through a major hormonal transition between that age and menopause that makes it very difficult to lose weight fast and to maintain a healthy figure, as it diminishes metabolism. Haven’t you feel like no diet or exercise can help you to burn fat and that you’ll get stucked in your over weight status for the rest of your life? And that men will not ever look at you again?
But let’s talk a little about metabolism. Metabolism or metabolic rate is defined as the series of chemical reactions in a living organism that create and break down energy necessary for life. More simply, it’s the rate at which your body expends energy or burns calories. How fast your body’s “engine” runs on average, over time, determines how many calories you burn. If your metabolism is “high” (or fast), you will burn more calories at rest and during activity. A high metabolism means you’ll need to take in more calories to maintain your weight. That’s one reason why some people can eat more than others without gaining weight. A person with a “low” (or slow) metabolism will burn fewer calories at rest and during activity and therefore has to eat less to avoid becoming overweight.
Back to the product we are reviewing, this plan teaches you how to reactivate your “female fat-loss hidden secrets” to boost metabolism and to start burning off excessive fat from belly, arms, legs, and face. It isn’t a fad diet or some other weight loss “magic” statement, such as a diet pills or ancient chants; no need to count calories the whole day, run on a treadmill as if you were a marathonist or restrict your meals to all extremes either.
Instead, the entire weight-loss-code is 100% natural and focuses exclusively on getting a specific series of exercises and nutrition into your day to day that reactivates your metabolism. So, if you’re in your 30´s, 40’s, 50´s and even 60´s and looking for an integral solution, check what is in for you if you get Cinderella Solution Fat-Loss System.
Women over 35 are likely to accumulate fat in certain parts of body
No The weight loss or lost-appetite pills, forget about invasive surgeries, crapy creams and expensive modern diets. They are all proven to not work anyway. Do you think it’s wise to keep spending money on the flawed “fat-first” schemes systematically designed to actually make you gain back every pound you lose?
Cinderella Solution is a four-phase weight and fat loss program designed exclusively for women over 25 (and gives the best results for women over 40), and it’s based on new discovered researchs that shows this: hormonal transition women go through until menopause hurts to death the female metabolism, making it near impossible to burn fat, build muscle and look healthy again. Of course this is a slow process and not all women suffer equal syntoms, some still have an acceptable grade of metabolic force, but in general, fat tends to accumulate in awkward body places (you know them I believe). But now, it’s time to start a 22 hour a day fat burning sequence that grows stronger with each passing day.
Throughout the Cinderella system, you will be teached a two-step ritual (specific serie of exercise, and a adequatediet) that ignites your metabolism to the roof, to help you start burning fat almost instantly and effortlessly. Let be clear: It isn’t some calorie counting calendary sytem or strict meal plan that only allows you to eat those ugly vegetables the whole day long. As 100% safe and natural, plausible for every woman that feels she is losing her youth behind.
It just requires from you to do special exercises and to get specific nutrition macros into your daily activity to activate your metabolism. it’s that simple. All of the hard work has already been done, and all you have to do is follow through the diet plan, cook up the easy recipes, do the workout videos at home, and complete the 14 day system that is provided to you.
Just as an example, here you can see what some of the special meal combinations include:
Cinderella Solution to Lose Weight — What you get
I’ll get into details in a moment but first of all, here’s a look at what you receive when you decide to take action with this loss-weight program: > Main Manual: explains the science behind weight loss.
> Quick Start Guide: you can reference the Quick Start Guide to start losing weight right away.
> Recipe Playbook: easy, contains the recipes.
> Guilt-free Dessert Guide: Lossing weight shouldn’t be a painful process. Enjoy desserts everyday
> Video Exercise Guide: all exercises explained in detail. It also contains optional workout plans.
The 28-day program is made up of two phases. First starts with the Ignite phase. It’s 14 days of eating 3 meals a day. These meals are custom written by the author of the program (Carly Donovan, I’ll introduce her later). It utilizes the food combinations proven to regulate your natural hormones and help you lose weight.
The second phase is the Launch phase. During this phase, you’ll enjoy 4 meals a day. Each meal, again, is designed specifically with the special food combinations in mind. These are the same food combinations that Carly Donova used to lose over 84 pounds ten years ago.
In fact, women who tried this tell that:
THEY DID NOT do any boring cardio or high intensity exercise
THEY DID NOT have to eat bland food or starve themselves
THEY DID NOT spend money on expensive pills or supplements
THEY DID NOT spend hours in the gym or counting calories
It also allows you to read the program at your leisure, when you are at home or at work, or in the park, and you wont have to worry about getting to the grocery store only to realize that you forgot to write down what you need to cook up the recipes. Having the system in digital format just makes the
Now, you receive immediate access to the system as soon as you purchase. You can access the customer page and download all the content right into your computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet. Also you can access the program online just logging in into your member area. However, I do strongly recommend downloading the package as it ensures you have what you need to boost metabolism and enjoy all the benefits of the hormonal recovery whenever and wherever you go. You too can use 2 simple tricks that promote shocking increases in bone-density without ever picking up a heavy set of weights, while pumping-up collagen production and skin elasticity — WITHOUT EVER going under the knife . Cinderella Solution even easier and more convenient to complete than it already is.
Whom is going to enjoy the most what this program offer
Women looking for fast results Women who have lost weight before but gained it all back (you can bet 99,99% suffered this) Women who don’t want to eat rabbit food.
The main advantage of Cinderella Solution is it works fast. Results start showing off in as little as 14 days. If you aren’t happy with the results you see after one month, you can try it again and again.
If you are not satisfied, the author offers 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. It gives you enough time to test the program out; but according to the official site, returns are as low as an impressive 0,1% rate, meaning that for every 1000 women that get into the system, just 1 ask for a refund.
What about the Author of Cinderella Solution?
Carly Donovan is the woman that bring to life Cinderella Solution. She wanted to offer women their own way of losing weight. Carly found that women in other parts of the world were able to eat foods high in calories, fat and carbohydrates without gaining weight. She discovered that it wasn’t the foods these women were eating that was key. It was the combination of foods.
Ten years ago , she realized that the once-slender body of her 20’s and early 30’s was now paralyzed with 84 MORE pounds of fat since the last time she stepped on the scale. she often caught her husband looking at other women the same way he used to look at her, and she still tried her best to get her body back by trying every diet under the sun and exercising for hours-on-end each and every day.
In her words: “…Now no one, other than the women like you for whom I live to serve. That woman in the mirror was me…This is MY Story. And this is YOUR Solution.”
Made by a woman for women, The Cinderella Solution is unique in that it works by targeting the natural hormones in a woman’s body. These hormones, such as insulin, cortisol and strogen, impact weight loss and fat reduction.
Most weight loss plans are geared toward men. They require high-impact, testosterone driven workout plans that just aren’t designed for a woman. If you follow the instructions, you’ll not only lose weight, but you’ll begin to tone up the areas of your body that need it the most.
But don’t take my word for it. Just take a look at what you’ll get in Part One of the program:
Chapter 1: Weight Loss from The Inside Out
Where and How to Get Started
Chapter 2: Weight Loss Rituals
Food Coupling
Flavor Pairing
Nutrition Timing
Slim-Sequencing Exercise
Chapter 3: Ignite and Launch 2-Phase Approach
Phase 1: The Ignite Phase
Phase 2: The Launch Phase
Cycling the Ignite and Launch Phases
Conclusion: legit fat and weight loss program for women over 35
Cinderella Solution is every woman’s with an over weight problem guide to counteracting the effects of the hormonal disorder that have proven effects on metabolism
Among the most remarcable benefits you can find this: Cinderella Solution also provides a
Is available for everyone at an affordable price.
It is written in a very easy language, so it’s easy to understand and follow.
You do not follow any restrictive food diet (you won’t have to go completely carb-free)
It is specially built for women
This program will help you to maintain the necessary hormone so that you can avoid lifetime struggle with your body weight. 60-day money back guarantee for customer satisfaction. So I think this is a legitimate offer.
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